CHECK THESE FEATURES- Floating jaws that always stay parallel
- Designed to eliminate distortion or twisting action
- Cantilever clamping action, handle is out of work area
- Built in "V" block for round or rod stock
- Full support, no loose pads to walk off center
- Copper plated jaws and screws are ideal for welding
- Diagonal grooves on jaws securely hold round bars
- 3-Jaw version, for accurate positioning and holding

Kant Twist clamps are unexcelled for machine shops, sheet & plate fabricating, toolmaking, assembly tooling, mills, woodworking, welding, drill presses, mold making, punch presses, furniture manufacturers, and much more.
Our unique and dependable products have been used by aircraft plants, the Armed Services, automotive, boat builders, ceramic manufacturers, chemical industry, dentists, EDM, electronics, foundries, furniture manufacturers, GSA, home shops, laser, machine shops, manufacturers, medical, metal fab, mold makers, nuclear, oil companies, optical manufacturers, photographers, platers, printers, railroads, schools, ship yards, stack burners, tool makers, welding shops, woodworking and many other industries.
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